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Oct 8, 2021

Mindful Relaxation Article

Mindful Relaxation - a free resource you can access anytime


Counselling Directory Article: Mindful relaxation - a free resource you can access anytime

"Perhaps now more than ever, knowing how to feel calm and centred is of value. But how easy or difficult is it for you to feel relaxed?

For many people, relaxation is the by-product of another activity, achieved when exercising, engaging in a hobby or socialising with friends. All things that may certainly have been compromised at one time or another during the pandemic. Yet, anyone who has practised meditation and certain types of yoga could perhaps tell you that both meditation and yoga practise can involve learning to feel relaxed whilst simultaneously attaining and then holding some quite challenging poses...."

Read the full article on the Counselling Directory Blog

Read the full article "Mindful relaxation - a free resource you can access anytime" by Nicole George on the Counselling Directory Blog


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